Thursday, July 20, 2006


Thanks to some pinheads who feel it necessary to spam my comment boxes with the equivalent of junk mail (although perhaps even less desired), I have added a word verification tool for comments. This is pretty innocuous for a human, but hopefully makes it harder for the spambots. Still, I apologize for the inconvenience.

I have removed the offending comments, and it is my hope that the word verification tool will prevent this problem in the future.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Bweep dee bweeple de tee deedle diddle bwoop bwop beep

Okay, so I'm stuck in the Reno airport, biding my time because my connection flight is delayed due to weather, wild fires, and ATC issues in California. I can deal with that. Such things happen, and the flight will eventually take off.

In the RNO airport, the machines (not really properly slot machines anymore, for what little that's worth) are ubiquitous. The "Wheel of Fortune" machine in particular is everywhere. I don't mind (too much) that I'm stuck in the airport waiting to finish my trip. However, the CONSTANT electronic beeps, blips, twiddles, twaddles, etc. are about to drive me around the bend. As if that weren't enough, about every minute a chorus of electronic voices shouts:


"No T, Pat? Okay, I'd like to buy a SHUT UP, please."

*rant off*

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Blog topics

In my first post I said that I wasn't sure what this blog would be about, but that I'd "let you know" when I figured it out.

I'm sure that everybody is waiting with bated breath for that decision (or at least they would be if anybody had actually read anything here), so I'm happy to announce that I have figured it out.

It's about whatever might happen to interest me and catch my eye on a given day.

Drought benefits

So, I was out to lunch with a group of folks from work recently. One guy looked over at me from the far corner of the table and said, "So, you kind of like the drought and watering restrictions, don't you?"

I replied, "Well, it's nice that I don't have to mow the lawn nearly as often."

He promptly turned to the person sitting across from him and said, "See, I told you that's what he would say."

Lessons learned:
  • Keith knows me too well.
  • I am, in fact, a little bit lazy.
  • I am, in fact, somewhat predictable.
  • The glass really is half full... ;o)

Good financial news today

Gotta like that!

The Wall Street Journal has a commentary today about the current state of taxes and revenues in the United States government. All in all, it's looking like lots of economic good news. The article is pretty good, but if you don't want to take the time to read that, here are a few salient points:
  • Tax revenues are up by record amounts since 2003 cuts (13% in 2006, and 15% in 2005)
  • Annual economic growth has been strong (4% vs. 1.1% prior to 2003)
  • Budget deficits are now much lower than expected, and below historical averages
  • Individual incomes are up, so individual income tax payments are up 14% this year
  • There are still long-term issues with Social Security and Medicare, in particular
  • The Republicans take too much credit for this
  • The Democrats spend too much effort claiming this doesn't matter
  • 2003 tax cuts should be made permanent
I think I agree with most of the article, though I might quibble about some of the details. Still, it's good to see the positive economic news, and I like the fact that the tax cuts are in fact showing up as an economic positive and not just a personal benefit (although I am perfectly happy with the personal benefit as well...).

I now return you to your previously scheduled blog experience.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Saturday, July 08, 2006


It's true... there really is a geek in the world that doesn't already have his own blog. Well, at least it was true until now. Now that I have my own blog, I'm not sure if it's still true or not.

If it turns out that I shouldn't have fault done this, and that I really have nothing to say, don't blame me. It's all her fault.

What, you may ask, is this blog all about?

That's a great question. I'll let you know when I figure it out. ;o)

In the meantime, have a great day.